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kumpulan fungsi constant vb6

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بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Key Codes
vbKeyLButton = 0x1 # Left mouse button
vbKeyRButton = 0x2 # Right mouse button
vbKeyCancel = 0x3 # CANCEL key
vbKeyMButton = 0x4 # Middle mouse button
vbKeyBack = 0x8 # BACKSPACE key
vbKeyTab = 0x9 # TAB key
vbKeyClear = 0xC # CLEAR key
vbKeyReturn = 0xD # ENTER key
vbKeyShift = 0x10 # SHIFT key
vbKeyControl = 0x11 # CTRL key
vbKeyMenu = 0x12 # MENU key
vbKeyPause = 0x13 # PAUSE key
vbKeyCapital = 0x14 # CAPS LOCK key
vbKeyEscape = 0x1B # ESC key
vbKeySpace = 0x20 # SPACEBAR key
vbKeyPageUp = 0x21 # PAGE UP key
vbKeyPageDown = 0x22 # PAGE DOWN key
vbKeyEnd = 0x23 # END key
vbKeyHome = 0x24 # HOME key
vbKeyLeft = 0x25 # LEFT ARROW key
vbKeyUp = 0x26 # UP ARROW key
vbKeyRight = 0x27 # RIGHT ARROW key
vbKeyDown = 0x28 # DOWN ARROW key
vbKeySelect = 0x29 # SELECT key
vbKeyPrint = 0x2A # PRINT SCREEN key
vbKeyExecute = 0x2B # EXECUTE key
vbKeySnapshot = 0x2C # SNAPSHOT key
vbKeyInsert = 0x2D # INSERT key
vbKeyDelete = 0x2E # DELETE key
vbKeyHelp = 0x2F # HELP key
vbKeyNumlock = 0x90 # NUM LOCK key

# Form Codes
vbModeless = 0 # UserForm is modeless.
vbModal = 1 # UserForm is modal (default).

# Colour Codes
vbBlack = 0x0 # Black
vbRed = 0xFF # Red
vbGreen = 0xFF00 # Green
vbYellow = 0xFFFF # Yellow
vbBlue = 0xFF0000 # Blue
vbMagenta = 0xFF00FF # Magenta
vbCyan = 0xFFFF00 # Cyan
vbWhite = 0xFFFFFF # White

# Dir etc Codes
vbNormal = 0 # Normal (default for Dir and SetAttr)
vbReadOnly = 1 # Read-only
vbHidden = 2 # Hidden
vbSystem = 4 # System file
vbVolume = 8 # Volume label
vbDirectory = 16 # Directory or folder
vbArchive = 32 # File has changed since last backup

# File Attribute Codes
Normal = 0 # Normal file. No attributes are set.
ReadOnly = 1 # Read-only file. Attribute is read/write.
Hidden = 2 # Hidden file. Attribute is read/write.
System = 4 # System file. Attribute is read/write.
Volume = 8 # Disk drive volume label. Attribute is read-only.
Directory = 16 # Folder or directory. Attribute is read-only.
Archive = 32 # File has changed since last backup. Attribute is read/write.
Alias = 64 # Link or shortcut. Attribute is read-only.
Compressed = 128 # Compressed file. Attribute is read-only.

# Miscellaneous Codes
vbCrLf = "\n" # Carriage returnlinefeed combination
vbCr = chr(13) # Carriage return character
vbLf = chr(10) # Linefeed character
vbNewLine = "\n" # Platform-specific new line character; whichever is appropriate for current platform
vbNullChar = chr(0) # Character having value 0
vbNullString = chr(0) # String having value 0 Not the same as a zero-length string (""); used for calling external procedures
vbObjectError = -2147221504 # User-defined error numbers should be greater than this value. For example: Err.Raise Number = vbObjectError + 1000
vbTab = chr(9) # Tab character
vbBack = chr(8) # Backspace character
vbFormFeed = chr(12) # Not useful in Microsoft Windows
vbVerticalTab = chr(11) # Not useful in Microsoft Windows

# MsgBox Codes
vbOKOnly = 0 # OK button only (default)
vbOKCancel = 1 # OK and Cancel buttons
vbAbortRetryIgnore = 2 # Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
vbYesNoCancel = 3 # Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
vbYesNo = 4 # Yes and No buttons
vbRetryCancel = 5 # Retry and Cancel buttons
vbCritical = 16 # Critical message
vbQuestion = 32 # Warning query
vbExclamation = 48 # Warning message
vbInformation = 64 # Information message
vbDefaultButton1 = 0 # First button is default (default)
vbDefaultButton2 = 256 # Second button is default
vbDefaultButton3 = 512 # Third button is default
vbDefaultButton4 = 768 # Fourth button is default
vbApplicationModal = 0 # Application modal message box (default)
vbSystemModal = 4096 # System modal message box
vbMsgBoxHelpButton = 16384 # Adds Help button to the message box
VbMsgBoxSetForeground = 65536 # Specifies the message box window as the foreground window
vbMsgBoxRight = 524288 # Text is right aligned
vbMsgBoxRtlReading = 1048576 # Specifies text should appear as right-to-left reading on Hebrew and Arabic systems
vbOK = 1 # OK button pressed
vbCancel = 2 # Cancel button pressed
vbAbort = 3 # Abort button pressed
vbRetry = 4 # Retry button pressed
vbIgnore = 5 # Ignore button pressed
vbYes = 6 # Yes button pressed
vbNo = 7 # No button pressed

# Shell Codes
vbHide = 0 # Window is hidden and focus is passed to the hidden window.
vbNormalFocus = 1 # Window has focus and is restored to its original size and position.
vbMinimizedFocus = 2 # Window is displayed as an icon with focus.
vbMaximizedFocus = 3 # Window is maximized with focus.
vbNormalNoFocus = 4 # Window is restored to its most recent size and position. The currently active window remains active.
vbMinimizedNoFocus = 6 # Window is displayed as an icon. The currently active window remains active.

# Special Folder Codes
WindowsFolder = 0 # The Windows folder contains files installed by the Windows operating system.
SystemFolder = 1 # The System folder contains libraries, fonts, and device drivers.
TemporaryFolder = 2 # The Temp folder is used to store temporary files. Its path is found in the TMP environment variable.

# StrConv Codes
vbUpperCase = 1 # Converts the string to uppercase characters.
vbLowerCase = 2 # Converts the string to lowercase characters.
vbProperCase = 3 # Converts the first letter of every word in string to uppercase.
vbWide = 4 # Converts narrow (single-byte) characters in string to wide (double-byte) characters. Applies to Far East locales.
vbNarrow = 8 # Converts wide (double-byte) characters in string to narrow (single-byte) characters. Applies to Far East locales.
vbKatakana = 16 # Converts Hiragana characters in string to Katakana characters. Applies to Japan only.
vbHiragana = 32 # Converts Katakana characters in string to Hiragana characters. Applies to Japan only.
vbUnicode = 64 # Converts the string to Unicode using the default code page of the system.
vbFromUnicode = 128 # Converts the string from Unicode to the default code page of the system.

# System Colour Codes
vbScrollBars = 0x80000000 # Scroll bar color
vbDesktop = 0x80000001 # Desktop color
vbActiveTitleBar = 0x80000002 # Color of the title bar for the active window
vbInactiveTitleBar = 0x80000003 # Color of the title bar for the inactive window
vbMenuBar = 0x80000004 # Menu background color
vbWindowBackground = 0x80000005 # Window background color
vbWindowFrame = 0x80000006 # Window frame color
vbMenuText = 0x80000007 # Color of text on menus
vbWindowText = 0x80000008 # Color of text in windows
vbTitleBarText = 0x80000009 # Color of text in caption, size box, and scroll arrow
vbActiveBorder = 0x8000000A # Border color of active window
vbInactiveBorder = 0x8000000B # Border color of inactive window
vbApplicationWorkspace = 0x8000000C # Background color of multiple-document interface (MDI) applications
vbHighlight = 0x8000000D # Background color of items selected in a control
vbHighlightText = 0x8000000E # Text color of items selected in a control
vbButtonFace = 0x8000000F # Color of shading on the face of command buttons
vbButtonShadow = 0x80000010 # Color of shading on the edge of command buttons
vbGrayText = 0x80000011 # Grayed (disabled) text
vbButtonText = 0x80000012 # Text color on push buttons
vbInactiveCaptionText = 0x80000013 # Color of text in an inactive caption
vb3DHighlight = 0x80000014 # Highlight color for 3-D display elements
vb3DDKShadow = 0x80000015 # Darkest shadow color for 3-D display elements
vb3DLight = 0x80000016 # Second lightest 3-D color after vb3DHighlight
vbInfoText = 0x80000017 # Color of text in ToolTips
vbInfoBackground = 0x80000018 # Background color of ToolTips

# Var Type Codes
vbEmpty = 0 # Uninitialized (default)
vbNull = 1 # Contains no valid data
vbInteger = 2 # Integer
vbLong = 3 # Long integer
vbSingle = 4 # Single-precision floating-point number
vbDouble = 5 # Double-precision floating-point number
vbCurrency = 6 # Currency
vbDate = 7 # Date
vbString = 8 # String
vbObject = 9 # Object
vbError = 10 # Error
vbBoolean = 11 # Boolean
vbVariant = 12 # Variant (used only for arrays of variants)
vbDataObject = 13 # Data access object
vbDecimal = 14 # Decimal
vbByte = 17 # Byte
vbUserDefinedType = 36 # Variants that contain user-defined types
vbArray = 8192 # Array
Update Contact :
No Wa/Telepon (puat) : 085267792168
No Wa/Telepon (fajar) : 085369237896
Email : Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com
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ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِين
Alhamdulilah hirobil alamin

وَ السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Artikel kumpulan fungsi constant vb6, Diterbitkan oleh sourcecodeaplikasi1 pada Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014. Semoga artikel ini dapat menambah wawasan Anda. Website ini dipost dari beberapa sumber, bisa cek disini sumber, Sobat diperbolehkan mengcopy paste / menyebar luaskan artikel ini, karena segala yang dipost di public adalah milik public. Bila Sobat tertarik Ingin membuat software, membeli software, membeli source code ,Dengan Cara menghubungi saya Ke Email: Fajarudinsidik@gmail.com, atau No Hp/WA : (fajar) : 085369237896, (puat) : 085267792168.
